Advertising / Campaigns

Most of us know what we want to communicate whether to sell or promote, but understanding what your audience wants or needs to hear is the part that many people don’t consider.

You and your organization are the best advocates for your product or message. That won’t change. You will always be more invested in it than anyone else. I can help by giving you an outside perspective and ability to create a quality design that focuses on the goals and objectives for your message or sales.

General Advertising.
A key thing to understand is that an advertisement’s goal is not to sell a product, but to make customer want to buy it. The simplest way to gauge this is by how a customer responds to your ad. The objective is to inspire a buyer to make a call, go online, email, etc. The sales come from what happens next. How you follow up and act upon that lead is where you convert the lead into a sale.

Image ads and message campaigns.
These are informational or message based brochures, ads and mailers, but they are still sales pieces. The product being sold is your image, not necessarily your products. This can be oriented towards community involvement by sponsoring a local team, taking a position to support an issue, providing support for a local charity and so on.

Success in advertising is understanding that your audience is different than those interested in general product sales. For campaigns, most of the time the full message is more complex and nuanced than most people will understand from a single ad. The goal is to communicate the message in a clear and concise way that focuses on a particular aspect of the message that will stick in the consumers memory.